Fudoshin is an interesting thing usually associated with Japanese martial arts that loosely translates to "immovable mind". Our closest Western equivalent is likely the state of "flow" we sometimes use to describe when someone is in the "zone". The mind is focused on the activity at hand and not rattled or shaken by distractions. For a Samurai this may have meant being able to remain focused in the heat of battle regardless of the noise and chaos around them or even simply being able to pay attention in spite of things designed to distract and confuse.
In a more relevant context for Oni Kai students, fudoshin is a state of mind we cultivate in order to pay attention in Aikido or school classes, be aware of our surroundings and stay focused on what we are doing so as to apply ourselves directly to the tasks at hand. The world we live in is literally designed to reach out a grab attention at every turn, constantly interrupting coherent thoughts and activities. By training even our youngest students to focus through simple distractions as well as loud or startling noises they learn to remain aware of the world around them while selectively keeping their minds where they need them.
Through a process of zazen, seated meditation, students learn to center themselves and clear their heads. Then through the gentle application of distracting influences they learn to filter outside influences that rob all of us of productivity.
Even the youngest of our students (currently not even three years old) have embraced this practice and have been showing incredible ability of application. With less than ten students in such a young age group it's hard to say what is normal but if our current group is any indication, there are a number of organizations that could benefit greatly from teaching and allowing these same methods, if a two year old can do it, it can't be all that complicated but rather simply require patience and practice.
In the end, if the only thing we do with our Oni Kai students is give them a few minutes of peace in our noisy media saturated world, that they can recreate and replicate any time they like, we'll have done them and everyone around them a great service.